Benefits of Cutting Back



November 11, 2021

Reframe Content Team

Benefits of Cutting Back

When you quit drinking, or even cut back on drinking, you'll experience real effects on your body and mind.

Before we get into the benefits, it's important to note that benefits vary based on how much of a change you make. It has to do with, for example, someone who drinks 20 alcoholic beverages a week and cuts down to 5 may notice pronounced changes in the physical body. Someone who consumes 5 drinks a week and cuts down to 3 will experience less of a change, though they may still find benefits.

Some of these effects may be noticed shortly after giving up alcohol or cutting back, whereas others may take longer to experience.

At the end of the day, though, it is clear that no matter how much someone drinks now, if they cut back on or give up alcohol, there will be benefits.

First, let's get into some of the physical effects.

Next, let's talk about the mental effects.

Some other benefits include stronger relationships with people you care about, no hangovers, and saving money.

Keep in mind that the pace and types of benefits may vary from person to person, but the bottom line is the same: When you make a change, you're going to experience some benefits.

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